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TURF INSIDER July 2024-07-14 12:10:35

Round winners – June 2024 (Round #168)

Congratulations to the winners of round June 2024: Király from Skåne took Gold while setting a new round points record of 2873119 points, uppuppuppner from Västra Götaland added a Silver to his previous Bronze (next time Gold?) and ChilliFarmer from Scotland ended up on third place for the second time. Well done mates!

Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

SåsTurf, Alingsås, 10th of August

For the first time there will be an Open t'Turf event in Alingsås, Sweden. There will be a foot, bike and a water heat followed by an outdoor BBQ (everyone brings their own food and drink). Full details HERE (only in Swedish). The meeting place for the event will be near Mjörnvallen in Alingsås between the zone Mjörn and KongoBridge.

Skåne Open, 24th of August

Participation will give you the event medal. You can read more about it HERE.

Bonanza 2024 on the 14th of September in Enköping

The invitation to this much awaited Event is being crafted by the Bonanza-comittee. Any day now it will be time to sign up! I know everyone has already penciled in the 14th of September in their calendar, but it is not official until you have signed up. Be patient, it is coming! 

Turf Ultimate Region Fight 2024

MaXi is once again organising the annual multi-region fight in September 2024. Same procedure as last year. Read more about it here:




Summer is here and it is the perfect time to go for those a bit more time-consuming medals, like the Staminatrix, Revisitor or Insomnia. Different medals have different difficulties. Insomnia requires you to more or less stay awake for 24 hours since you have to take one zone every hour. You can get some sleep by taking the zones just before and just after the hour, then go to bed and set the alarm for the following hour. Like take 1 02.55 am, take 2 03.05 am, then sleep til take 3 at 04.55. This requires plenty of zones close to where you live. Or you can just soldier thru all the 24 hours and then go home to sleep!

One turfer in Västerås finally decided the conditions were right to go for a Staminatrix in June. Here is a shortened version of the story he submitted to Turf Insider:

"My name is Mattias Persson, turfnick mattiasp74. I have been thinking of attempting to go for the Staminatrix since I started. The conditions had to be the following: 1. Summertime with maximum sun time. 2. Stable weather. No temperatures over 25 Celsius or rainy becauce I want my mobile on the from of the bike 3. Free time. Be at home or at a place were there was a lot of zones.

During midsummer of 2024 these conditions matched. I went to bed at 19 and set the alarm at 00:10 just so i could start and finish the same day, but i could not sleep so i went up and started while the sun was still up. The time was 21:36:03 according to warded when I started up on Midsummer Eve.

My plan was pretty much reliant on geography. The city of Västerås has many hills with a lot up and downs and the river Svartån crosses the city so I had to take that into account. I also had to plan my rest and recharge of the phone. 

Here are some tips for you who want to try it. Do this when the night is the shortest so that you can avoid having lights on to much. Be rested before you start. Plan your stops. Both you and the cell phone need to recharge. Power batteries take longer to charge. Remember that a long distance race like Vasaloppet have controls every 10 km were they offer food and drink. According to warded I travelled around 125 km, but this is not included distance from my home to the start and finish or the route I took. I might have travled 135 km in total. Bring a lot of water. I filled my water bottle three times becauce I drank so much. You will get thoughts about quitting, especially during the dark hours. Push them away! And last but not least, have fun while you do this." 

It took Mattias four sessions with "food and re-charging the phone" breaks in-between, with both a 50 k and a 75 k Roundpointer medal and Greed-150 on the way to the Staminatrix, lots of help from other turfers, so he could take the same zones again and again.

Rymprak from Uppsala decided to go for another medal that can be hard depending on where you live: Revisitor.

"Depending on where you live and turf, it is easier or harder to win certain medals. Taking Revisitor has felt boring and close to impossible as central Uppsala and central Stockholm are my main Turf areas. After more than 5 years of turfing, I have not been able to find the right time.

This round, the medal suddenly felt possible to take. I was going to spend a week at a folk high school in Skurup in southern Skåne, which is a place with low activity and about 60 zones. The first evening I took almost all of the town's 60 zones in just under 30 kms of biking. On the second night, 50 zones were easily taken and the medal appeared i the app. Now I'm happy and satisfied that the medal has been taken and that it's only a medal you take once!"

Personally I still have not taken the Insomnia medal, maybe it will happen this summer or maybe it won't ;) It has been on the to-do-list the last five summers, but other things were prioritized.

Turf Picture of the Month

This months Turf Picture is of the zone Rälsbron taken by Fafng:

#Rälsbron #turfgame (6)

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition! 

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.

Monumentalist 2024-05-13 20:54:02

We just wanted to share with you that the medal is not forgotten.

It is not ready, but not forgotten either!

Stay tuned

TURF INSIDER May 2024-05-13 20:52:23

Round winners – April 2024 (Round #166)

Congratulations to the winners of round April 2024: pPilot from Scotland took Gold with a large marginal to 0beroff from Stockholm who secured a Silver by biking all over Stockholm, uppuppuppner from Västra Götaland took home his first Bronze.Well done mates!

Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

SCOnanza aka Scottish Turf Open – Saturday June 1st

The Scottish Turf Open Championships is BACK in Edinburgh at the start of June for its second year! Click HERE for more information. This is the second installment of this already legendary event. And HERE is where you sign up for this Event.


24h Event 7th of June in Luleå June

You can participate in the event either by bike or foot and be in a team or do the entire Event by yourself. If you want to play in a team but don´t have teammates, write that in the registration formula and the organizer will try to set up a team for you. Note that you have to register since the event is gonna be private when it occurs. But you will be awarded the special Event24 medal.

Sign up and get more details HERE:

You can book a room at Scandic between the 5th and the 10th of june using the code luleturf2424 and get 10% off. You need to book via this e-mail: lulea@scandichotels.com 

Göteborg Open, Saturday 6th of July
Why not visit Gothenburg for our annual foot and bike event? Read all about it our website: www.turfgoteborg.se/2024/05/06/turf-gbg-open-2024/

Skåne Open, 24th of August

Participation will give you the event medal. Details will come later this summer but you can sign up already now HERE

Bonanza 2024 on the 14th of September in Enköping

More news will follow when we get closer to the date! Don't forget to mark the date in your calendar!

World Heritage Zones – part 2

It is the Turf Crew's ambition that all World Heritages on UNESCO's list should have one zone. If UNESCO demotes a world heritage and removes it from the list the attribute should be removed. This happened with the Victorian docs in Liverpool as they lost their historical values due to new developments in the areas. Sometimes we miss when a WH has been removed, feel free to make an issue if you are aware.

We have made WH zones up until the ones approved by UNESCO 2021. There was no World Heritages approved in 2022 (Corona). We will shortly start working on the new ones from 2023. We use the UNESCO web site as an aid when creating the WH zones, click HERE.

  • Zones are placed within the WH boundary, even if the zone is in grounds where you have to pay, or in places where you could only take the zone with satellite data connection (like Amazonas).

  • We don’t move them for convenience, only if they are dangerously placed or physically inaccessible or by mistake are outside the actual WH.

You can find all WH zones using third part tools like Lundkvist or UrbanGeeks Turf Map Tool, use the Tag filter.

Last Turf Insider allinug and FeTaTo shared their experiences with visiting WH zones. This time we will hear from allinug again.

Now that I have returned home after two months of "World Heritage slalom" by train, I am beginning to sum up my impressions: 39 World Heritage sites spread over France, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Belgium and Denmark. There were, of course, some other interesting zones as well, although it was often sparse among them. In Monaco, Andorra and Ireland, I had to do without World Heritage sites, although there are such in the two latter countries. Many of them are cathedrals and other impressive buildings. But the World Heritage site that I appreciated the most during the "second half" of my trip was the natural phenomenon at Giant's Causeway on the north coast of Northern Ireland:

"...an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption. The tops of the columns form stepping stones that lead from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea. Most of the columns are hexagonal. The tallest are about 12 metres (39 ft) high, and the solidified lava in the cliffs is 28 metres (92 ft) thick in places. According to legend, the columns are the remains of a causeway built by a giant." (excerpt from Wikipedia)


For those that have missed it, the first stop for Turf statistics, Warded, have had a bit of a make-over and now have a few more Top lists and a new layout. One new Top List is for Revisits, something that gave a new status to a turfer in Turku, Finland.

Revisit Turf God by Petter69

After realizing that one of our local fellow turfers, ojarnstr, had many MANY more Revisits than anybody else I had to catch up with him to understand why. He chose one of his favorite zones, HundbananStep in Pargas for our meeting. By the way, zone HundbananStep is a very nice zone up the 470 steps with a beautiful view over the well known Pargas limestone quarry. HERE you can find more information about Hundbanan, unfortunately only in Swedish and Finnish


After climbing up the steps and taking the zone, it was time for some questions.


When and why did you start turfing?

- I started in July 2013after reading an article in the newspapers about Turf. I was a gamer and liked being out in nature, so I thought this would be perfect for me. And I've been playing ever since. I was actually the first player on mainland Finland. Back then it was a different game obviously, with only a few zones to visit. I have never won a round, but round 42 I was no 1 in Finland.

So why do you have so many Revisits?

- Even if we have some legendary and active turfers in my city, like M0112, spagetti, Tagliatelle, Grandi, there have been longer times when I have nearly been alone. So I have not actively tried to be no 1 with Revisits, but I live in a city where it has just happened.

Which zone do you have the most Revisits on?

- That has to be Tummelstenen, closest to where I live and on the way to work. Probably a couple of thousand Revisits on that zone.

How are you going to celebrate when you reach 50.000 Revisits (now 44.000)?

- Ha, I'm not planning on celebrating that, more now aming on reaching 25 million points in total to climb to rank 59.

Have you ever approximated how many points more you would have had without having to take so many Revisists?

- No, but as I normally make one longer Turf bicycle round per day, I normally tend to make some 50k points a week. When other players are active, I make some 100k points a week, so I guess you could estimate something from that if you wanted.

So a couple of rounding off questions at the end, Firstly, if you could change something with Turf, what would it be?

- Well, I think Turf is a great game and great games shouldn't make drastic or big changes, I think this has been perfect with Turf, sometimes something needed adjustments, but no big changes. Now as we talk about revisits, I have suggested shortening the revisit time from 23to let's say 12 hours. Then I wouldn't have to wait until Saturday evening doing my next round on a sunny weekend day, if I had made a round after work on Friday evening.

Lastly, what is your best Turf memory?

- Definitely our ABOA Turf Open last summer, that was great. We had hoped for some 50 participants, but 83 turfers from several countries showed up. It was so nice to meet all turfers in real life.

Keep on turfing!

We hope to read more about the recent updates to Warded and its care takes, if Turf Insider manages to pin him down between his Turf rounds.

The third week of the April round something new took place. It was a new take on the Region battle many of us have been part of in the last few years. This time the Battle was one week instead of one Round.  21-28 April the first ever one-week regional competition was held between Scotland, Västra Götaland and Skåne, and that was also the order in which the teams ended up. This was a test in collaboration with turfportalen.se. From Scotland féarglas summarizes the whole thing:

"Another regional battle but just three regions and with a twist that appealed to many in Scotland. A week was easier for people to know if they could commit the time and a nice length of time to commit to. The week of madness provided a welcome motivation after a long winter, encouraging us out more, meeting each other and working together. Despite a wet start where we wondered if cloud seeds had been sent from Gbg, the rest of the week was pleasant weather, dry and warm. Many medals and ranks were gained, many personal goals achieved, many kilometres covered. Those who wanted to go crazy went crazy while those who preferred a slower pace did so. There was something for everyone and a lot of fun was had. We enjoyed the 'dash for glory' a few hours before the end of each day, with a few very close endings that required enthusiasm and team effort. 'Many smalls make a big' became the motto and Scotland pulled together, winning the competition. A nice bonus to the rewards of taking part. Thank you to Skåne and VG, and to Turfportalen for developing, supporting and hosting."

Some additional comments from team members in VG and Skåne:

  • A week is better than a month. Much easier to really make an effort.
  • No mid round starts, the pph advantage is too big. 50 000 points/day for doing nothing! That's 3 times more than our average player took.
  • Do (Swedish) calendar days 00-24 instead of 12-12. Makes it easier for the people working normal hours to turf in the evening to get a lead or catch up. Now you can only watch from the side and see the other teams gain.
  • Overall all we really enjoyed the competition and the team spirit we got. Lots of cheering and having people turf a lot more than they normally do. Especially considering the cold weather we had.
  • I thought it would be more exciting with just a week but I missed the tactical planning from one-month competitions.
  • A week gives you very little time to compensate for temporary things that impact like bad weather, bike breakdowns or competing activities. At the same time, full speed ahead a full month is too much.
  • Even if I'm retired I have competing things to do Monday-Friday, weekends are optimal for turfing. Perhaps have 16 day competitions starting on a Friday ending on a Sunday giving the teams three weekends to turf like hell.
  • I would have preferred the same rule as in the Ultimate region fights for the red line, which is based on active turfers in the region.

Many things to consider for upcoming battles. Huge congratulations to the Scottish team!

Turf Picture of the Month

This months Turf Picture is of the zone SpårSpan taken by Fafng.

#SpårSpan #turfgame (14)

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.

TURF INSIDER April 2024-05-04 09:10:09

Round winners – March 2024 (Round #165)

Congratulations to the winners of round March 2024: Király from Skåne was awarded another Gold, FeTaTo from Scotland turfed home a Silver in her hunt for unique zones, and semaj65 from Skåne turfed home his second Bronze. Well done mates!

Turf Awards 2023

The voting for Turf Award 2023 is open all of April. The winner in each catogory will be revealed at the Bonanza banquet on September 14th. Vote HERE.


Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

Open Turf Event in Ängelholm, Saturday 5th of May

A Foot event in the woods close to Råbocka Camping. The event will start at 11 am and end at 1 pm. A prize cermony will take place at 1.30 pm close the zone Råbockastigen. There will be possiblitiy for parking close to the zone Råbockastigen and SandISibirien. Prize to all young participants (17 or younger). Don't forget an extra pair of shoes and socks, the woods can be very wet this time of the year! The orgnizers will turn on their grill after the event, so bring sausages of any kind to put on it :)

SCOnanza aka Scottish Turf Open – Saturday June 1st

The SCOnanza is coming! Turfers from all around the world are being invited to the second Scottish Turf Open Championships! Hosted again in Edinburgh, this time from Friday 31 May to Sunday 2 June, and offering you completely different parts of the city to enjoy from last year. Following positive feedback on the format last year, again we are having a welcome foot event (Friday evening), 90 minute bike and then foot open championships (Saturday), followed by Sconanza banquet (Saturday evening) and then a “Crazy Closing” fun event (Sunday morning). Plus enjoy the neutrals of Edinburgh at the start of the June round. Everyone is very welcome! More information HERE. This is the second installment of this already legendary event. Don't miss out!


24h Event 7th of June in Luleå June

Here's an invitation from the organizer Kygni:

In Luleå it never gets dark for the entire month of June. With the exception of a very breif rainfall in the event of the summer of 2022 it has been good weather both summer events I have organized (which is always in the beginning of June). On the 7th of June, a 24 hour event will take place in Luleå, it will start at 11 am on the 7th and end 24 hour later, giving people time to sleep between the event and the dinner which takes place in the evening at 7 pm.

You can participate in the event either by bike or foot and be in a team or do the entire thing individually, the event will take place on Porsön and there will be a place to sleep at (but bring your own matress and sleeping bag) the gathering place during the event if you play in a team. If you want to play in a team but don´t have teammates, you can tell that in the registration formula and I will try to set up a team for you. Note that you have to register since the event is gonna be private when it occurs.

In Sweden, 6th of June is a public holiday making 7th of June a so called 'squeeze day' which makes it easier to take a 4-day holiday, but I sincerely hope that we also get some guests from outside Sweden as well. Since the event is Friday-Saturday it is easier for people to stay during the dinner and according to me, a nice turf meeting/dinner is half the fun of an event :)

Last year we had the dinner outside in the sun. Of course there will be a plan B to have the dinner inside just in case we would be unlucky with the weather. Last year, I had Asian cooks fixing an authentic asian dinner. One indonesian, one nepalese and one indian. This year I am going to do the same thing. It is possible for people to bring or order their own food from a restaurant if they do not want the authentic asian food."

Sign up and get more details HEREYou can book a room at Scandic between the 5th and the 10th of june using the code luleturf2424 and get 10% off. Here is a picture of the sun from Luleå in June of 2022 just 3 minutes before the solar midnight. Make sure to join the fun in 2024!

midnight sun

Bonanza 2024 on the 14th of September in Enköping

The planning has begun in earnest with turfers from both Västerås and Uppsala joining forces. One goal for the Bonanza 2024 is to gather more than 233 turfers in order to take the Assit 233-medal. There will be, as always, a Foot event and a Bike event followed by a Bonanza banquet in the evening. More news will follow when we get closer to the date! Don't forget to mark the date in your calendar!

Turf Skåne will be hosting several events this summer open for non-members:

  1. A 24 hour event in or around Malmö 29-30 June. Participants will be awarded the 24 event medal. We are still working on the details and have not yet opened up for applications, info this far can be found HERE (in Swedish). 

  2. 24 August we will host Skåne Open again. Participation will give you the event medal. Details will come later this summer but you can sign up already now HERE.

  3. At some point during the summer we will arrange for a picnic with a short 30 min foot event, this will be announced with short notice as we want to make sure weather is perfect.

Besides these events we have also worked with Laynus at Turfportalen to test a more compact format for region competition running over one week only. We are testing this out with Scotland and Västra Götaland last week of April, a summary will follow in the May edition of the Turf News email.

Report from LuleåIce24 by TurfDanne

Luleå Ice '24, the first-ever open Turf event on ice, took place on the
frozen river around Luleå. It was a beautiful day with almost clear
skies, a few degrees below freezing, but the sun was warm. A bit of a
wind made one direction easy and the other harder. A total of 14 Turfers
participated by taking at least one event zone. There were people using
ice skates, skiis, kick sleigh, and walking/running. After half the
event, Kygni had gained a small lead, but there were five other Turfers
also competing for the medals. The silver and bronze positions changed a
few times, and in the end, Kygni took the gold with grock in silver
place and Tuxina receiving the bronze. Congratulations! After the event,
there was a gathering on the island Gråsjälören (where the zone LuleIsle
is located). There, the medal ceremony was held, and then we had hot
dogs grilled over a fire. In the evening, a few of the Turfers gathered
in a restaurant for a Turf dinner. Thanks to all who participated in the
event, and I hope to see you all again, and many more, next year for
Luleå Ice '25!


During Easter 6 turfers from Uppsala visited Åbo and a Turf lunch was organized by local Åbo turfer TortugaVeloz. A total of 12 turfers showed up. From TortugaVeloz:

"During Easter we had the great pleasure to have some Swedish Turfers visiting Åbo/Turku in Finland. We met up for a good lunch with our visitors and some local turfers and spent a good 2 hours chatting about nothing and everything. After which we took an assist zone together. This proves that Turfgame is not only a good game to motivate outdoor activity, it is also a social game. Welcome back anytime :-) Åbo/Turku is a good place to visit for some unique zones."

Image (5)

From the left: redmountrider, KingOfTheSlope, Lazytraveller, Chairman, TortugaVeloz, Munin, TriggerHappy, BikingBookworm, Pandora, Ojarnstr, BadLoser.Photo by : Kayaker.

Åbo is a very nice city to visit as a turfer, not too hilly, friendly locals and lots of nice zones :)

World Heritage Zones - Part 1

UNESCO World Heritages are described by UNESCO as ”World Heritage is the designation for places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and as such, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. Places as diverse and unique as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Galápagos Islands in Ecuador, the Taj Mahal in India, the Grand Canyon in the USA, or the Acropolis in Greece are examples of the 1007 natural and cultural places inscribed on the World Heritage List to date.”A long time ago we agreed in Crew that all World Heritages (WH) should have a zone with the World Heritage attribute. As we started working a few rules of thumb were developed and we still make WH zones accordingly:

  • All WH sites should have one WH zone.

  • All WH’s should have one zones only, no matter if the actual WH is spread over several areas.

  • The zone should have a shape that reminds of the WH logo.

We have made WH zones up until the ones approved by UNESCO 2021. 

Turf Insider asked two travelling turfers to write a little bit about some WH zones they have visited. Enjoy their stories!

By allinug

When you are going on a longer trip and have no specific goals, just pull out the "Turf map" and plan a route. There are many different options, e.g. World Heritages, which right now guide my path. Then you are guaranteed to get to interesting places. Two that I particularly appreciated on this trip are impressive buildings of different ages. One about 2000 years old, the other 131.

Bizkaiko Zubia (Basque), Puente Viscaya (Spanish), or as we say "Biscayabron", is the world's first "transport bridge", i.e. a suspension ferry connecting Portugalese and Getxo, located on either side of the Nervión River just west of Bilbao. The big advantage of this construction is that boat traffic is not disturbed. The bridge was designed by one of Gustave Eiffel's disciples and is considered one of the outstanding architectural iron constructions of the industrial revolution. It was completed in 1893 and is still in use around the clock. An estimated half a million vehicles and four million people use the bridge each year. And this year, one of them was me!


Another building material was used 2000 years ago, when the (now French) city of Nîmes needed to be supplied with water. The skilled Romans then built a 50 km long aqueduct from Uzès to Nîmes, which it supplied with water for 500 years. And that with a remarkable precision: the gradient is only 12 m on the long stretch! It is also difficult to understand how they were able to lift 6-ton blocks of stone more than 40 m and insert them precisely in place. The highest bridge (in the entire Roman Empire) Pont du Gard, where the zone is located, is 48 m high, 275 m long and consists of three arches. Water flowed on the top level, people walked on the middle and heavier transport went on the lowest level. Coming to this place also gives you a nice nature experience along the river Gard. I took a bus from Avignon to Remoulins and walked not only over the bridge but also in the area, a nice change from long city walks.

#PontDuGard #turfgame (8) 

Now off to another World Heritage, this time a natural phenomenon...”. We will hear more from allinug in next Turf Insider!

By FeTaTo

I visited New Lanark World Heritage site (and took the zone) with the Scotland resident parts of my family for my birthday treat in March. The site is situated in a beautiful steep sided valley on the River Clyde to the south of Glasgow. It was one of the largest cotton milling factories in the world and also had progressive social aspects for that period of time - late 18th century. Around 2000 people lived on site. Education was provided for the children and emphasis was put on providing a good natural environment around the factory. Working conditions were significantly improved compared to other factories. My young grandchildren particularly liked the roof garden with hidden metal animals to search out and seeing the waterfalls that helped provide the energy. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit though might have to go back without the grandchildren so that I have time to see it from an adult perspective rather than that of young children.”

Turf Picture of the Month

This months Turf Picture is of the zone Museumei taken by DXP2K.  There were lots of really good entries this round. Turf Insiders photo editor felt we needed a laugh this time ;) Keep the pictures coming!

#Museumei #turfgame (2)

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.

Turf awards voting 2024-04-11 19:01:37

It's time to vote for this years turf awards!

Cast your vote here: https://tinyurl.com/2kfu9ur9

TURF INSIDER March 2024-03-12 13:36:59

Round winners – February 2024 (Round #164)

Congratulations to the winners of round February 2024: gerald_flux.rc from Berlin became the second German to turf home a Gold, AJHB from Greater London added a Silver to his Bronze, and semaj65 from Skåne turfed home his first Bronze.Well done mates!

Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

LuleåIce24 Saturday 16th of March

The event will take place on/near the ice track around Luleå. You are
allowed to use ice skates, skis, kick-sled or walk/run. More information
and registration HERE. There is still winter up north in Sweden!

Scottish Turf Open – Saturday June 1st

The Scottish Turf Open Championships is BACK in Edinburgh at the start of June for its second year! Come along and we promise you will love it! Everyone is very welcome! More information closer to the date.

24h Event 7th of June in Luleå June

This is the third time a 24 h Event is organized. Read more HERE and apply, either in a team of 2 or 3 or by yourself. In June, it will never get dark in Luleå, so it will for sure be a very special Event.

Bonanza 2024 on the 14th of September in Enköping

More news will follow when we get closer to the date!

Nominations for Turf Awards 2023 is over (last day was February 29th) and Crew is busy going thru the nominations and setting up the vote. Everyone will be able to vote for their favorites later this spring :)

I recently moved a newly made zone in Umeå and it became ”hidden” for some turfers. This is a known bug that can be very, very annoying. The most ”famous” hidden zone is FarEast. No one is able to locate this zone in the Turf app without first searching for it. Even if you know where it is, it will not show itself unless you search for it.

FarEast is a very special zone, but the same affliction can occur when a zone is moved, usually soon after it was made. Not much is known about WHY this happens. It usually corrects itself with the next restart of the Turf servers, but until that happens it can be very frustrating since not all turfers always are affected by this.

Once this happened to a zone here in Uppsala. It was made in a very precarious location and moved within a day or two to a less dangerous spot. I went to take it with a friend and my friend could not for the life of it, see the zone in the Turf app. I could, and I was also able to take it. My friend was not, not even after cleaning the Turf app's cache, uninstalling/reinstalling the app. It became so frustrating my friend almost uninstalled Turf for good (overreacting a bit). A few months later, we both could take the zone without any problems.

So, if you happen to come across a zone that is ”hidden” to you or your friend/s, write an issue about it, preferable reported as a ”Non-critical app or server” issue. Do NOT report it as a "Zone issue". The more information about when and where this happens, the bigger the possibility this might get solved beyond ”wait for the Turf server to restart”, but until then...there is nothing wrong with the actual zone, nothing wrong with your phone, just another irritating Turf bug. Patience is required from you as a turfer and apart from the famous FarEast zone, all other ”hidden” zones I have heard of, have become unhidden in time.

Turf Picture of the Month

This months Turf Picture is of the zone Ruinenberg taken by DasHuhn. Turfers from three different countries had submitted pictures this time, very much appreciated. Keep those Turf pictures coming :) 

Ruinenberg (1)

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.

TURF INSIDER February 2024-03-12 13:36:55

Round winners – January 2024 (Round #163)

Congratulations to the winners of round January 2024: Jomii from Värmland braved the January cold and added a fourth gold to his medals, gerald_flux.rc turfed home a bit over one million points and secured a Silver with that, while turbosmith from Scotland came third and was awarded with his first Bronze. Well done mates!

Upcoming events

If you are organizing an open event, don't forget to write to insider@turfgame.com a couple of months in advance to get the information about your event into the news letter :)

VBWinterC24 Saturday 10th of February in Umeå, Sweden

The winter classic is back in Umeå and will be for both bike and foot on the same day. It will be cold, hopefully lots of snow and during the few hours of daylight at this time of the year.

LuleåIce24 Saturday 16th of March

The event will take place on/near the ice track around Luleå. You are allowed to use ice skates, skis, kick-sled or walk/run. More information and registration HERE. This will be the first ever Turf Event on ice. Back in 2015, a Turf Event on ice was planned in Västerås, but due to a warm winter, it was changed into a land Event. But they sure did produce a killer advertisement for their Event, LINK HERE. If you want some on ice action, head to Luleå in March :)

Scottish Turf Open – Saturday June 1st

The Scottish Turf Open Championships is BACK in Edinburgh at the start of June for its second year! Come along and we promise you will love it! Everyone is very welcome! More information closer to the date.

24h Event in Luleå 7th of June

The 24 h Event is a very special Event that goes on for 24 hours. It has been run twice before. The first ever took place in Umeå, back in July 2017 and you competed in teams of 3 turfers, taking turns being on the map 2 hours at the time. So each player turfed for 8 hours during the 24 hour Event. In June, it will never get dark in Luleå, so it will for sure be a very special Event.

Bonanza 2024 on the 14th of September in Enköping

More news will follow when we get closer to the date!

Turf Awards 2023

You can nominate turfers in four different categories until February 29th. Nominate HERE. When the nomination period is over, up to five nominees are selected in each category by Crew. During April, all turfers will have the chance to vote for a winner in each category. The winners will be revealed at the Bonanza banquet on September 14th. 

Voting for new Medals

The vote for the New Medal is over: Monumentalist won with a landslide and the work to create the new medal will begin soon. Monumentalist was “a series of medals for number of unique visited monument zones”. 

A reminder what a Monument zone is:

"A zone placed in the direct vicinity to or directly on a monument. A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to commemorate a person or event, or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of historic times or cultural heritage. The zone name should normally reflect the monument name. Only one zone per monument can have this attribute."

So, any old statue is not by default a Monument, any old building is not by default a Monument. It will take a little more than it being old, to make it a Monument.

Turf Crew has a new member: DXP2K, a new zone maker from Germany. Turf Insider asked him a few questions in order to get to know him better :)

1. What is your turfnick? Is there a story behind it, if so what?

    My nickname on Turf is DXP2K and there is actually no real story behind it. DxP is the short form of DxPepper, the name I use for online games on the XBOX. I don't even remember what motivated me to add "2K", it was too long ago.

2. How long have you been turfing and how did you found out about Turf?

    I've been turfing since the beginning of 2021. According to warded.se, I recorded my first session on February 26th, 2021. A colleague recommended Turf to me. After all, I am a gamer and a biker, so it just had to be right for me ;) Due to the COVID-19 measures in Germany...lockdown, ban on contact, etc. I had a lot of free time and now finally something to do. Alone, cycling with friends wasn't possible, but there was something to do.

3. What is the best thing about Turf? And the worst (if there is any)?

    Good question...Turf motivates me primarily through competition. It motivates me to go out and go for a ride even if I don't really feel like it. Just to score points if another player gets too close or I have another player within striking distance and can move up the top list. The bad thing about Turf, if you want to call it that... Turf is a time waster if you want to be at the top. When you have work and a family it is sometimes really difficult to find time for turfing. Unfortunately, Turf takes a backseat and that can really ruin the current round.

4. What made you want to become a zone maker?

    I am absolutely convinced of the concept of the game and the more I was able to look behind the scenes, the more I wanted to take part. Since Turf doesn't seem to have really arrived in Germany yet and is currently focused more on the hotspots around Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne/Bonn, it was clear to me that I had to be one of the ones to change that.

5. Which is your fave zone? Can be divided into a) the one you take most often b) the one you really felt "WOW" when taking

    The zone I go to most often is the S-Bahn station Friedrichsberg in Hamburg. I come by there often and it is well frequented. If things go well, you can come here several times a day. But the zone isn't anything special.

    The zone with the biggest WOW effect so far was definitely the “AlbormozFort” zone in San Marino / Italy. Currently the only zone in the dwarf state. The view over Emilia-Romagna is breathtaking from up there.

Italien_2023_030 (1)

The view in the picture is towards the east.

6. Anything else you'd like to tell the Turf World about yourself

    I founded the Discord server “Turfen in Deutschland” (Turf in Germany) about 3 years ago. It offers a German-speaking platform for turfers to be able to communicate comfortably. Ask questions, get answers or just show off your latest medal or the latest, most beautiful zone photo. Unfortunately, it is difficult to reach all the turfers in the country and invite them to join us. Many people are alone in their region and don't even notice it. That's why I'll take advantage of the opportunity, if it's okay. > If you would like to join us, you can find the invitation link in the German Section of the Turfforum. ;-)

Turf Picture of the Month

This months Turf Picture is of the zone YarmViaduct taken by Annie9jobs.

#YarmViaduct #turfgame (1)

If you have a Zone picture you want featured as Turf Picture of the Month, send it to insider@turfgame.com Please include your Turf nick for recognition!

Turfa lugnt/Safe turfing!


...if you want to contribute to future Turf Insiders, send your story to insider@turfgame.com :) C'mon and share your big and small stories with the Turf world.

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